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Getting involved with athletics and activities at Skyview Middle School is a great way to meet friends, keep busy, stay healthy, and become a well-rounded young adult.

Spring Activities Registration will start on Monday February 10th

Spring Activities Start on March 31st unless noted in the Spring Activities tab below.


Registration Website

General Information

Sports Calendar 24-25

Fall Athletics

  • Girls Volleyball (7-8)
  • Girls Tennis (6-8)
  • Girls Soccer (6-8)
  • Boys Soccer (7-8)
  • Coed Flag Football (6-8)

Winter Athletics

  • Girls Basketball (grades 7-8)
  • Boys Basketball (grades 7-8)
  • Wrestling (grades 6-8)

Spring Athletics

  • Boys Tennis (grades 6-8)
  • Boys/Girls Track (grades 6-8)
  • Coed Volleyball (grades 7-8)
Curt Russell

Curt Russell

Physical Education & Health
Skyview Middle School

Coaching Contact Information

Application for Educational Benefits

By completing the Application for Educational Benefits, your child and family may qualify for benefits which include reduced activities and athletics fees.

Online Application

Site Information for Away Athletics

Student-Athlete Expectations

The athletic department would like you to be aware of the expectations we have in place for our student-athletes at Skyview Middle School.  Athletics play an important role in many of our student's lives, and we want as many students to participate in athletics as possible.  At Skyview, our priorities for athletes are academics first and athletics second.  As an athletic department, we will be upholding high expectations for our athletes in school, the community, and on the field/court.

If a student is behind or failing a class, they will stay after school and make up any necessary work. Student-athletes must maintain a C or better in all classes.  If they are below a C, they will be ineligible to practice or play until their grade has increased to a C or better. In addition to academic expectations, student-athletes are expected to follow the ISD 622 Student Code of Conduct.  Just like grades, student-athletes must exhibit appropriate behaviors both in school and on the playing field/court. If there are any behavioral incidents that happen in school or on the field/court, playing time and other disciplinary action may occur.